
Spring 2025 Events

International Coffee Hour

Wednesdays | 9AM – 10AM | Bevin Center

Join us every Wednesday at 9:00 am for free coffee and fellowship as we host visiting missionaries, pray for the nations, and discuss topics in missions while exploring different cultures and worldviews. Discover ways to get involved here in Louisville and around the globe.

Come to our first coffee hour this semester on Wednesday, January 22.

Louisville Evangelism

Louisville Evangelism | Various Fridays | Meet at bevin center

Seeking to share the Gospel? Join the Bevin Center for evangelism outings throughout this semester. You will be split up into small groups and sent to various locations throughout Louisville. Perfect for students who want more practice sharing their faith.

Meet at the Bevin Center on evangelism days around 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. Reach out to Carrie Bryan or Neil Norris for more information.

*On February 14, Students have the opportunity to join evangelism efforts at the National Farm Machinery Show, held at the Kentucky Exposition Center. This will be from 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm, and students will need to communicate their plans to join ahead of time in order to obtain appropriate credentials*

The 1937 Project

Saturday | APril 12, 2025 | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Stay tuned for more information regarding how you can become involved in The 1937 Project this Spring Semester.

Learn more information about how you can get involved in the 1937 Project this year by clicking the link below.

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